CROCK BREADIMPROVER improves the bread texture (tenderness of the bread), color, taste andcomposition. Bakers have to deliver fresh bread every day and when usingauxiliary substances, it reduces problems in the baking process. A breadimprover helps the baker to create a trouble - free processing and ease indosing, even when facing a wide range of bread, the complexity of the bakingprocess (kneading, first rising of the bread, preparation, second rising,baking, cooling, cutting) and the differences in skills of the employees. Allthe improves manufactured by HKAI are Bromate Free.
Benefits Of Bread Improver:
Increases dough strength and elasticity.
Improves oven spring and bread volume.
Enhances crumb texture, making it softer.
Extends shelf life by delaying staling.
Helps achieve consistent quality in large-scale production.